Domestic Violence Lawyers in Winnipeg

If you have been charged with domestic assault in Winnipeg, Manitoba, or anywhere in Canada, contact me now. My name is Evan Roitenberg, a Criminal Defence Lawyer in Winnipeg.

Domestic violence is a broad and complex umbrella that captures alleged crimes that happen within the framework of personal relationships. An act of domestic violence can take place within a currently married couple; a previously married couple; in common-law relationships; or between girlfriends, boyfriends, and same-sex partners. Domestic violence allegations also arise between siblings, parents and children, and even extended relations.

I will help you get past the inevitable emotion and stress of a domestic matter and assist you to focus on the facts, the evidence, and your rights as the accused. That said, I will always be mindful of the delicate nature of the situation in which you find yourself.

Contact Evan Roitenberg, Criminal Defence Lawyer in Winnipeg.

Phone 204-985-8199 24/7 Emergency Number (If Arrested) 204-985-8190

"Our nation’s system of justice is stronger because of defence lawyers
like Evan Roitenberg."

— James Turner​

Crime Journalist, “Defending the Indefensible”,​