White-Collar Crime / Fraud Lawyers in Winnipeg
If you have been charged with fraud or any white-collar crime in Winnipeg, Manitoba, or anywhere in Canada, contact me now. My name is Evan Roitenberg, a Criminal Defence Lawyer in Winnipeg.
White-collar crimes include crimes committed by individuals against businesses, organizations, or governments—for example: embezzling money from an employer; expense-account fraud; cybercrime; and tax evasion. White-collar crimes also include corporate crimes such as selling unsafe products, price fixing, and false advertising.
I have a keen understanding of fraud and all types of white-collar offenses and will defend your individual rights or the position of your business vigorously.
Contact Evan Roitenberg, Criminal Defence Lawyer in Winnipeg.
Phone 204-985-8199 24/7 Emergency Number (If Arrested) 204-985-8190
"Our nation’s system of justice is stronger because of defence lawyers
like Evan Roitenberg."
— James Turner
Crime Journalist, “Defending the Indefensible”, winnipegcrime.com